
In my best Morgan Freeman voice:

Tanya had grand plans for {insert year}. She vowed it would be her best year yet—a year of better eating habits, improved sleep, and regular workouts. But as fate would have it, the year unfolded quite differently. Instead of conquering the world in power suits, Tanya found herself debating if PJ's could pass as work attire and wishing for a formal leggings line paired with a chic work smock.

Let's not sugarcoat it. The past few years have felt like navigating through an apocalypse, and it's downright exhausting. Just when you think you've caught your breath, another blow hits.

COVID-19, Monkey Pox, recurring violence, conflicts, racism, and environmental disasters—seriously, what in the halibut? It's like living through Avengers Endgame, with every reset being short-lived. It's challenging to keep moving forward when everything feels like a relentless uphill battle.

Now, I'm no expert on surviving an apocalypse, but I'm here to offer some support and resources. I've developed seven survival rules encapsulated in "TRAPPED," and I believe they can help us endure and even thrive amidst chaos.

T – Take care of your body (Yep, you guessed it…cardio)

In the words of Zombieland, taking care of your physical health is crucial. While we may not be dodging zombies, emotional zombies like depression, anxiety, unhealthy weight gain, and poor sleep are constant threats. Cardio, in any form that gets your heart pumping, is your best defense. Whether it's a brisk walk, a run, cycling, swimming, dancing, or even a TikTok routine, get that heart rate up and fight back.

R – Reach out (loved ones, friends, mental health)

Despite the challenges of social distancing, maintaining connections is essential. Your survival team—whether family, friends, or professional support like mental health counselors—plays a vital role. Recognizing the mental health challenges you face and having a support network is crucial for overcoming emotional zombies.

A – Attend to your needs (physical, emotional, psychological)

Amidst the chaos, taking care of yourself becomes paramount. The weight of global events can lead to exhaustion and neglect of healthy habits. Combat this by carving out time for yourself, disconnecting from toxic environments, and addressing daily self-care routines. Small, consistent efforts, such as maintaining personal hygiene and nourishing your body, collectively contribute to your resilience.

P – Protect your mental health

Navigating our current reality requires protecting your mental health. Identify emotional adversaries that drain your happiness and hope, and counteract them by connecting with sources of light in your life. Cultivate daily habits that feed your soul and establish boundaries with detrimental influences.

P – Practice self-care (including social distancing)

View self-care as "self-preservation" rather than indulgence. Establish boundaries around your time, energy, and resources. Prioritize self-care by saying no to draining commitments, limiting exposure to toxic influences, and dedicating time to nourish your well-being.

E – Educate yourself

Knowledge is power. Educate yourself about the current landscape, understand your personal coping strategies, and identify avenues for seeking help. Rule #2 (Reach out) becomes invaluable in this pursuit, as it involves identifying reliable sources of information.

D – Don’t compare yourself to others

In the midst of adversity, refrain from comparing your journey to others'. Surviving the year with mental and emotional well-being intact is a significant achievement. Refuse to be swayed by unrealistic standards, and focus on your resilience against the relentless onslaught of emotional zombies.

Fighting emotional zombies is tough, akin to battling the relentless hordes in World War Z. Fight, rest, repeat, and always remember to double-tap.

It's time to gear up, sharpen your survival skills, and face whatever comes our way. Together, we'll navigate these tumultuous times and emerge stronger than ever before.


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