Living my B.E.S.T. Life

Life often takes unexpected turns, and the past few years have been a journey of self-discovery, understanding relationships, and navigating life's complexities. My aspirations for growth are encapsulated in the term "BEST ME," representing Boundaries, Emotions, Self-Compassion, Time (Things I Must Earn), Mental health, and Empathy.


Acknowledging boundaries as a top priority is crucial. Growing up in an environment where boundaries were rarely respected meant learning to assert my identity and needs. Overcoming guilt, shame, and anger while understanding accountability and self-love has been essential. Upholding boundaries involves saying no, navigating guilt and anxiety, and balancing work and personal life. Defining healthy boundaries and granting myself grace when needed is an ongoing journey.


Emotions are ever-present, and my initial instinct was to suppress them due to past experiences. However, allowing emotions to exist and recognizing their messages has been transformative. Emotions serve as signals, conveying needs like rest or the necessity to step away from certain situations.


Self-compassion has been a significant struggle tied to my identity. Unraveling the impact of childhood abuse demanded a deep dive into self-compassion. Treating myself with love, just as I advise others, has been a crucial realization.


Accepting life's uncertainties became imperative in 2020. Recognizing the fragility of each moment required embracing flexibility and finding peace in the present. Finding happiness in the present moment is essential, as the future is unpredictable.


As both a mental health consumer and clinician, I advocate for seeking support. Mental health providers, diverse in various aspects, are equipped to help navigate life's challenges. Seeking help is not a sign of weakness but a transformative step towards well-being.


Empathy, drained by the events of 2020, required reinforcement. Shifting focus from harmful actions to the experiences of those affected allowed me to refill my empathy tank. Empathy fuels connection and helps channel emotions into curiosity, concern, and activism.

Life will inevitably present challenges, but the biggest lesson learned is that resilience and growth are attainable.


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